
Comprehensive car insurance coverage: 7 things you need to know

Today we’re talking about your comprehensive auto insurance coverage and why you should get it.

What is comprehensive insurance? It is the most comprehensive car insurance on the market and offers the insured a comprehensive protection that covers all risk situations that his car, himself and even his companions may be exposed to.

Comprehensive car insurance coverage: 7 things you need to know

We know that the risks to our vehicles are diverse, such as: E.g. accidents, theft or natural disasters. The best way to prepare is to get comprehensive car insurance. The situations are covered by your comprehensive car insurance.

1. Broken glass

In the event of damage caused by breakage of glass, windshield, side panels, fenders, medallion and sunroof that were originally adjusted by the manufacturer, the sum to be borne exclusively by the insured is 20% of the respective glass value.

If the person responsible for the glass damage can be clearly identified, the insured person is exempt from any payment.

2. Collisions and rollovers

This coverage covers property damage or loss to the vehicle only as a result of collisions and rollovers, and only when the damage occurs.

3. Fire, lightning and explosion

The insurance covers material damage or loss to the vehicle caused by fire, lightning or explosion, even if it is a case of breach of trust that has been determined by a court, unless the crime is committed by a relative of the insured person.

4. Natural disasters

Total or partial damage or damage to property caused by natural events such as the following will be covered by the insurer:


  • Hurricane.
  • Perforation.
  • Tsunami and flood.
  • Avalanche.
  • Landslides or rockfalls.
  • The collapse of buildings, buildings, structures or other objects.
  • Fall of trees or their branches.
  • Greeting.
  • Earthquake.
  • Volcanic eruption.
  • Land grant.
  • Storm.


In some cases a deductible of 10% may be paid and in other cases, depending on the insurer, it is possible to waive this payment for the insured person’s first three claims.

5. Damage caused by third parties

All damage caused by the actions of third parties will be duly covered by the insurer, with the exception of actions committed by relatives of the insured.

These acts would be popular uprisings, dated, repressive measures taken by the authorities in the exercise of their duties, riots, harmful actions at mass events and strikes.

6. Damage during and during transportation

During transport of the vehicle, such as in the event of stranding, this warranty covers cases of collapse, fire, explosion, impact, overturning, derailment or fall of the means of transport in which the vehicle is being transported.

It also protects the vehicle from falling during loading, driving or unloading maneuvers.

7. The car trips due to water entering the engine.

In the event of damage beyond the control of the insured, such as: B. Unfolding of the vehicle due to water entering the engine that is not necessary for its operation and function, the insurance of the vehicle will be fully supported and held responsible for this.

As a general exception to this coverage, we believe that the insurer will not cover damage or loss due to lack of engine lubrication due to lack of maintenance.

Other comprehensive vehicle insurance policies

Total theft

This coverage covers the total theft of the vehicle and any loss or property damage sustained as a result of the total theft. The insurer can offer compensation if the damage was not caused by a relative of the insured person.

Partial damage or loss of interior and exterior parts of the vehicle are not covered.

Health care

If the insured suffers a personal or motor vehicle accident or has an additional illness with injury or trauma, the insurer will contact the nearest doctor and also on the doctor’s recommendation. Hospitalization can be arranged and managed efficiently, ensuring the transfer of the insured to the nearest hospital.

Support Services

The insurers will provide you with car, medical and administrative assistance if necessary, in the event of a car breakdown, a personal accident or illness.

Among the exceptions, it should be noted that this guarantee will be immediately deactivated if fraud, bad faith or a false or inaccurate statement by the insured or the beneficiary with the aim of deceiving the insurer is proven.

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